Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs and Makerspaces (Volumes 1, 2 & 3)
Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang, Kevin Jarrett (2)
Project ideas, articles, best practices, and strategies from educators at the forefront of making and experiential education.
Meaningful Making 1, 2, and 3 are available for free as a downloadable PDF, or in print at major online retailers including Proceeds of the print edition will be used to fund FabLearn Fellow activities.
About the books
A learning revolution is in the making around the world. Enthusiastic educators are using the new tools and technology of the maker movement to give children authentic learning experiences beyond textbooks and tests.
The Columbia University FabLearn Fellows are a group of K-12 educators using the new tools and technology of the maker movement to give children authentic learning experiences beyond textbooks and tests. They teach in Fab Labs, makerspaces, classrooms, libraries, community centers, and museums-all with the goal of making learning more meaningful in the modern world.
In these books, FabLearn Fellows share inspirational ideas from their learning spaces and recommended projects across a broad range of age levels and subjects.