CMK Press publishes books and resources supporting modern learner-centered approaches to education. Our books are available at Amazon and other online retailers, or contact CMK Press directly for questions or more information about volume, wholesale, international, and bookstore sales.
Our Flagship Book
Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom (Second Edition)

by Sylvia Libow Martinez and Gary S. Stager
An all new and expanded edition of the book called “the bible of the Maker Movement in classrooms,” Invent To Learn has become the most popular book for educators seeking to understand how modern tools and technology can revolutionize education. (Paperback | Kindle | Hardcover | More about the book)
Japanese edition | Korean edition | Spanish edition | Italian edition | Chinese coming soon
New Releases!
Zero Mass Design – A Strategy for Designing a Better Future
by David Thornburg, foreword by Steven J. Paley

Zero Mass Design is a novel approach to Design Thinking that approaches design with simplicity as its fundamental goal. This slim but impactful book lays out the principles of Zero Mass Design and adds much more. Inside you will find practical examples, problem solving steps, and a call to action to save the planet with functional designs that rely on simplicity and clarity, not increasing complexity. The book also includes an invitation to K-12 teachers on how design can increase relevance and student engagement in any curricular area. (Read more)
20 Things to Do with a Computer Forward 50: Future Visions of Education Inspired by Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon’s Seminal Work
by Gary S. Stager, foreword by Cynthia Solomon

In 1971, Cynthia Solomon and Seymour Papert published Twenty Things to Do with a Computer, a revolutionary document that would set the course of education for the next fifty years and beyond. This book, Twenty Things to Do with a Computer Forward 50, is a celebration of the vision set forth by Papert and Solomon a half-century ago. Four dozen experts from around the world invite us to consider the original provocations, reflect on their implementation, and chart a course for the future through personal recollections, learning stories, and imaginative scenarios. Read more.
Scrappy Circuits
by Michael Carroll
A scrappy, fun way to learn about electronic circuits!

Learning to Code – An Invitation to Computer Science Through the Art and Patterns of Nature (Snap! or Lynx Editions)
by David Thornburg
These are books about discovery—the discoveries each of us can make when finding beauty in geometric patterns, beauty in mathematics, and beauty in computer programming. This is also a guide for teaching children to program computers in uniquely powerful ways. (Read more)
Great Books for the Makerspace, Studio, or Classroom
The Art of Digital Fabrication: STEAM Projects for the Makerspace and Art Studio

by Erin E. Riley
Learning by making with the heart of a scientist and the critical eye of an artist.
The Art of Digital Fabrication makes the case for designing and making art with digital technology and provides the resources for bringing that work to life in classrooms and makerspaces. Written by an educator with extensive experience in art and maker education, this volume contains over twenty-five makerspace tested projects, a material and process inventory for digital fabrication, guides for designing with software, and how-to’s for using digital fabrication machines. (Available in Paperback | Hardcover | More about the book)
Meaningful Making 2: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs and Makerspaces

Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang, Kevin Jarrett
A second volume of all new project ideas, articles, best practices, and assessment strategies from educators at the forefront of making and hands-on, minds-on education. (Available in Paperback | Hardcover | More about the book)
Invent to Learn Guides
In the spirit of Invent to Learn, these guides are practical activities and lessons for classrooms and makerspaces.
The Invent to Learn Guide to More Fun

by Josh Burker
The Invent To Learn Guide to More Fun is a second volume of insanely clever classroom-tested “maker” projects for learners of all ages. Make learning modern and fun with coding, microcontrollers, 3D printing, LEGO machines, and more! The projects feature step-by-step instructions and full-color photos. (Available in Paperback | Details)
The Invent to Learn Guide to Fun

by Josh Burker
Volume 1 of insanely clever classroom technology projects come to life with innovative software and hardware, upcycled material, and your imagination! Combine simple electronics with LEGO bricks, 3D printing with clay tiles, computers with cardboard, and let the fun begin! (Paperback | More about the book)
The Invent to Learn Guide to Making in the K-3 Classroom: Why, How, and Wow!

by Alice Baggett
This full color book packed with photos is a practical guide for primary school educators who want to inspire their students to embrace a tinkering mindset so they can invent fantastic contraptions. Veteran teacher Alice Baggett shares her expertise in how to create hands-on learning experiences for young inventors so students experience the thrilling process of making—complete with epic fails and spectacular discoveries. (Paperback | More about the book)
The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success

by David Thornburg, Norma Thornburg, and Sara Armstrong
This book is an essential guide for educators interested in bringing the amazing world of 3D printing to their classrooms. (Paperback | Kindle | More about the book)
Also available in Korean and Traditional Chinese.
Buy on AmazonMeaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs and Makerspaces

Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang
Project ideas, articles, best practices, and assessment strategies from educators at the forefront of making and hands-on, minds-on education.
( Paperback | Hardcover | More about the book)
Making Science: Reimagining STEM Education in Middle School and Beyond

by Chrisa Flores
Anthropologist turned science and making teacher Christa Flores shares her classroom tested lessons and resources for learning by making and design in the middle grades and beyond. Richly illustrated with examples of student work, this book offers project ideas, connections to the new Next Generation Science Standards, assessment strategies, and practical tips for educators.
(Available in Paperback | Kindle | More about the book)
Buy on AmazonThe Inner Principal: Reflections on Educational Leadership

by David Loader
Remarkably candid reflections by one of the most consequential school leaders of the past 50 years. (Paperback | Kindle | More about the book)
“This is a book that will go to your inner consciousness and make a difference in how you think about your own role as leader.” – from the foreword by Michael Fullan
Buy on AmazonSylvia’s Super-Awesome Project Book: Super Simple Arduino

by Sylvia “Super-Awesome” Todd
14-year-old YouTube star Super-Awesome Sylvia introduces young makers to programming and hardware using the Arduino micro controller.
(Paperback | More about the book)
Buy on AmazonEducation Outrage

by Roger C. Schank
Roger Schank has had it with the stupid, lazy, greedy, cynical, and uninformed forces setting outrageous education policy, wrecking childhood, and preparing students for a world that will never exist. No sacred cow is off limit – even some species you never considered. The short essays in this book will make you mad, sad, argue with your friends, and take action.
(Paperback | Kindle | More about the book)
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